Want to Baptise your child?
1. Complete the Baptism Application Form (Please collect the form from Fr Antony)
2. Submit the completed form with evidence of Parents’ and God Parents’ Catholicism to the Parish Office. The evidence can be either their Baptism/Confirmation Certificate, Certificate of Marriage in the Catholic Church or a letter from their parish priest.
3. Complete the two-part Baptism Preparation Course:
3a. Part One - The online Baptism Preparation Course prior to attending the in-person course
Complete any time and use the link: https://forms.office.com/r/biCAnCYtms
3b. Part Two - participate in the in-person Baptism Preparation Course - see Newsletter for Dates.
4. Contact the parish office and set a date for the celebration of the sacrament of Baptism.
The parish office requires a week’s notice
Information required is
· Name of the child
· Date of birth
· Approximate date of Baptism
· Contact details
Send an email to office: catford@rcaos.org.uk

The Sacramental Symbols of Baptism
- Blessing and Invocation: The priest (or deacon) blesses the water using the sign of the cross. He invokes the Spirit of God to come onto the water and consecrate it. This makes it Holy so that the person being baptised will be; "born again of Water and the Spirit".
- Profession of Faith: Baptism brings someone into the community of Christian People. We faithfully profess that we follow Christ by proclaiming the ancient Creed of the Church.
- Baptism: The central and most important part of Baptism; Water. There is a threefold pouring over the person to be baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity; The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The newly bapised in now purified, saved, delivered from evil, set free and belongs to God.
- Anoiting: Oil is used to sweeten,to strenghen and to render supple. The Church uses consecrated oil for this same purpose in Baptism. The oil is consecrated each year by the Bishop at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday. The sign of the Cross is traced on the forehead of the newly baptised. They are now consecrated to the Lord.
- White Garment: Being transformed through baptism, the White Garment is a sign of newness of life and being 'Clothed in Christ'.
- Lighted Candle: During Baptisms, the Pschal Candle burns near the baptismal font. A symbols of the presence of the Risen Lord. A small candle is used to take a flame from the Paschal Candle and entrusted to the newly baptised person, through their godparents. As a community we pray the the flame of faith may be kept alive until the Lord comes again to call this and all children of light to join him and all the saints in his heavenly kingdom.
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