Holy Mass
A Divine Celebration
The Holy Mass is the "source and summit of Christian life." It is where we gather to hear God's Word, offer our prayers and concerns, and most importantly, receive the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. This sacred meal nourishes our souls, unites us as a community, and strengthens us for our daily lives. At Holy Cross Church, we celebrate Mass with joy and reverence, inviting everyone to participate fully, consciously, and actively in this central act of our faith.
Mass & Prayer Time
Saturday: 6:30 pm
(Sunday Vigil Mass) -
Sunday: 9am & 11.30am
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 9.15am
Friday: 6.00pm Adoration/ 7pm Mass
Holydays of Obligation: As above, plus additional Mass at 7:00pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Friday: from 6pm to 7pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Every Friday: 6pm to 7pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Every Wednesday after 9:15 Mass
Every Friday after 7 pm Mass
Mon, Tues, Thurs: after 9.15 am Mass
Get Involved in
Our Sacred Liturgy
We need more volunteers to make our liturgy more participatory, meaningful, and vibrant. We need you!
Please introduce yourself to Fr. Antony or one of our Liturgy Leader Coordinators after Mass. Their contact information is available below. We are very friendly and welcoming!
In our parish, we follow One Person One Mission policy
Participation is vital for a vibrant parish. In our liturgies and parish administration we try our best to find more people to undertake different missions. Some are very talented and they can and may want to do many things in the life of the church. That is good.
We appreciate their good will. However, it is a better practice that we share our responsibilities with others too, making them feel part of our spiritual community.
If you notice someone taking on multiple roles during our liturgies, it means we were unable to find another person to fulfil that role. Please feel free to reach out to one of our leaders or contact Fr. Antony after Mass if you would like to offer your assistance.
Master of Ceremony
Welcome Ministers Team

Liturgical Seasons and Colors
Understanding Liturgical Seasons and Colors enhances the worship experience, allowing parishioners to connect with the rich symbolism and meaning embedded in the Church's liturgical calendar. Embrace each season, reflect on its significance, and let the colours guide your spiritual journey.

(Note - Violet coloured vestments may be used on the Third Sunday of Advent and the Fourth Sunday of Lent, symbolizing joy.)
Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year and is a season of preparation and anticipation for the coming of Christ. The colour symbolizes penance, expectation, and royalty.
Colour: Purple (or Violet)
Duration: Four weeks
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. White and gold symbolize joy, purity, and the glory of God.
Colour: White and Gold
Duration: December 25 to the Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time (1)
Green signifies hope, growth, and the life of Christ. Ordinary Time focuses on the teachings and miracles of Jesus.
Colour: Green
Duration: Weeks between the Baptism of the Lord and Ash Wednesday
Lent is a season of penance, reflection, and preparation for Easter. Purple represents repentance, humility, and solemnity.
Colour: Purple (or Violet)
Duration: 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter
Holy Week
Red symbolizes Christ's sacrifice and the Holy Spirit's fire. White represents purity and the Resurrection.
Colour: Red (Palm Sunday), White (Holy Thursday), Red (Good Friday), and White (Holy Saturday)
Duration: Week leading to Easter
Easter celebrates Christ's Resurrection. White and gold signify joy, victory, and the glory of the Risen Christ.
Colour: White and Gold
Duration: 50 days until Pentecost
Ordinary Time (2)
Green symbolizes hope, growth, and the life of Christ. Ordinary Time focuses on the teachings and miracles of Jesus.
Colour: Green
Duration: From Pentecost to Advent